Zippin Lane
Zippin Lane is the fastest path to deploying new checkout-free stores. A turnkey solution, Zippin Lane creates highly profitable stores in underutilized spaces, with sizes ranging from 8' x 12' to 10' x 60'.
Zippin Lane is ideal for new checkout-free stores in sports and entertainment, airports, college campuses, business offices, and areas with long open corridors.
We now offer Zippin Lane without an exterior structure, which can cut deployment times down to just days.
Grow Sales
Zippin Lanes can achieve >60% higher revenues and >65% faster speed of service than traditional stands.
Delight Guests
Offer a variety of drinks, hot or cold foods, and snacks for guests to grab quickly without waiting in line.
Optimize Space
Easily transform any underutilized or empty space into a new checkout-free store with our turnkey design.
Real Results with Zippin Lane
78% - 85% higher
(with traditional stand)
10x more
and still had shopping times ~30 seconds
15% larger
Zippin Lanes versus pervious season
"Fans just love the checkout-free shopping experience."
VP Stadium Management, Programming & Guest Experience | Las Vegas Raiders

Zippin Lane Key Features
Turnkey store design expertly assembled on-site, no permits required
Configurable merchandise wall for shelving, coolers, or heated shelves
Rear-loaded merchandisers help with restocking without disrupting shoppers
Designed for speed - store layout purpose-built for maximum throughput
Camera-only and structureless models are available for faster installs