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Today’s College Experience: Appealing to Digital Natives

Bonnie Milam Aug 10, 2023 3:26:00 PM

As college students eagerly prepare to step back onto campus, a palpable buzz of excitement fills the air. The return to college marks a fresh chapter for both returning students and newcomers alike. With the rapid evolution of technology over the past 20 years, today's students are the first generation of digital natives and bring a distinct set of expectations to their college experience.

The college experience has always been a time of academic and personal growth, and that first real sense of independence. It’s also a time when time management becomes very important. Amidst back-to-back classes and demanding study schedules, students are often pressed for time. College kids often stay up late cramming, learn how to eat while walking to class, and perfect the ten-minute power nap to get through the day. In other words, everything outside the classroom must be as efficient, fast, and accessible as possible

This generation's familiarity with technology has bred a desire for convenience beyond what many of us experienced while in college. As digital natives, they expect seamless experiences in all aspects of college life, including shopping and dining. Checkout-free systems in college campuses are a perfect solution for today. The experience appeals to tech-savvy students while catering to their fast-paced lives. 

Checkout-free shopping embraces the digital native's craving for efficiency through technology. As hungry students dart between classes, study sessions, and their demanding schedules, checkout-free shopping options are more essential than simply convenient. With checkout-free, students can grab a meal, a quick snack, or essential supplies without standing in long queues. Integration with student cards lets students use their student accounts to pay for purchases, streamlining the overall experience. Accepting credit card payments extends the appeal to faculty, staff, and school visitors. Plus, stores can operate longer hours with little to no staff, which is a win-win for students and colleges alike.  

Zippin has some exciting announcements coming, including details on new store openings across multiple college campuses just in time for this semester. Stay tuned. 

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